To Estonia by Couch


Waste management firms from Northern Finland




Influencer marketing

Background and goals

01 Challenge

Four waste management firms from Northern Finland (Kiertokaari, Lapin Jätehuoltokuntayhtymä Lapeco, Napapiirin Residuum Oy and Perämeren Jätehuolto Oy) noticed that their communications are reaching young consumers ineffectively, and they were looking for new ways of communicating with their audience.

02 Goal

The goal of this collaboration was to reach the young target group and to enhance the importance of recycling, so that the young people watching would at least start thinking about the topic.

03 Insight

The aim was to execute the collaboration in the most memorable way possible. Entertaining content is often viewed for longer, so it would be the best way to bring attention to the message of recycling. In addition, there is a better chance of exploring the topic in depth in a longer form of content.

Solution - To Estonia by Couch

Kiertokaari, Lapin Jätehuoltokuntayhtymä Lapeco, Napapiirin Residuum Oy and Perämeren Jätehuolto Oy bravely hopped on to a concept that the influencer chosen for the campaign, Andreas Tolonen, came up with. His concept was to travel to Estonia by couch, with his influencer friend Daniel Ahola. During their trip, the influencers highlighted the importance of recycling in a positive way. The full-length YouTube video was published on Andreas' channel, and he also encouraged his followers on Instagram to go watch the video. Furthermore, three TikTok videos were posted about the topic, and they were boosted with paid advertising.

Results after one month





Average watch time of the YouTube video

0 min

Total watch time of TikToks

0 h

Saves on TikTok


"This influencer marketing campaign worked really well. At first we were a bit nervous about how people would react when companies like us would be a part of entertaining content like this. However, we learned that it pays off to be brave when it comes to marketing and trust the influencer and the content - They know what works for the target group the best."

Results after one year

Views on TikTok

+ 0

Views on YouTube

+ 0

Total views
